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Job Opportunity
Chisinau, 10 Martie 2014 — Swiss Cooperation Office in the Republic of Moldova
is hiring a Program Assistant (70-100%)
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is responsible for implementing Switzerland’s foreign policy on humanitarian aid, development cooperation and cooperation with the Eastern Europe.
The 2014-2017 SDC Cooperation Strategy for Moldova is focused on two main areas of intervention: Heath and Water & Sanitation. It also includes the non-core Program Migration & Development.
The main duties of the Program Assistant will include:
• Manage and coordinate the Small Actions/Cultural Programs;
• Support the Director of Cooperation/Deputy Director of Cooperation and National Program Officers in preparing the necessary documents (credit proposals, Memoranda of Understanding) for new projects.
• Support Director of Cooperation/ Deputy Director of Cooperation and National Program Officers when required in Program/Project related tasks;
• Provide translation/interpreting support.
Qualifications required:
• Relevant University Degree;
• Minimum 3 years of relevant professional background. Experience working with international organizations is an asset.
• Excellent writing skills, excellent command of English, Romanian (oral/written). Working knowledge of Russian.
• Excellent interpersonal, communication and networking skills;
• Proved capacity to work both in a team and independently;
• Good organizational skills and ability to work in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
• Knowledge of German/French is an asset.
Both women and men are encouraged to apply.
For detailed information please go to “Job Opportunities” http://www.swiss-cooperation.admin.ch/moldova.
Candidates should submit their applications in English (Cover Letter, CV, relevant recommendation letters and references) with the mark “Program Assistant” by 24th of March 2014 to the following address: Swiss Cooperation Office, 23-B, A. Mateevici str., Chisinau, or by e-mail to Ms. Viorica Cretu, Deputy Director of Cooperation, SCO Moldova, at viorica.cretu@eda.admin.ch. Position available as from the 1st of May 2014.
Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
is hiring a Program Assistant (70-100%)
The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) is responsible for implementing Switzerland’s foreign policy on humanitarian aid, development cooperation and cooperation with the Eastern Europe.
The 2014-2017 SDC Cooperation Strategy for Moldova is focused on two main areas of intervention: Heath and Water & Sanitation. It also includes the non-core Program Migration & Development.
The main duties of the Program Assistant will include:
• Manage and coordinate the Small Actions/Cultural Programs;
• Support the Director of Cooperation/Deputy Director of Cooperation and National Program Officers in preparing the necessary documents (credit proposals, Memoranda of Understanding) for new projects.
• Support Director of Cooperation/ Deputy Director of Cooperation and National Program Officers when required in Program/Project related tasks;
• Provide translation/interpreting support.
Qualifications required:
• Relevant University Degree;
• Minimum 3 years of relevant professional background. Experience working with international organizations is an asset.
• Excellent writing skills, excellent command of English, Romanian (oral/written). Working knowledge of Russian.
• Excellent interpersonal, communication and networking skills;
• Proved capacity to work both in a team and independently;
• Good organizational skills and ability to work in a multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary environment;
• Knowledge of German/French is an asset.
Both women and men are encouraged to apply.
For detailed information please go to “Job Opportunities” http://www.swiss-cooperation.admin.ch/moldova.
Candidates should submit their applications in English (Cover Letter, CV, relevant recommendation letters and references) with the mark “Program Assistant” by 24th of March 2014 to the following address: Swiss Cooperation Office, 23-B, A. Mateevici str., Chisinau, or by e-mail to Ms. Viorica Cretu, Deputy Director of Cooperation, SCO Moldova, at viorica.cretu@eda.admin.ch. Position available as from the 1st of May 2014.
Only the shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Autor: Agentia Elvetiana pentru Dezvoltare si Cooperare, SDC
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