Vizualizări: 6376
Invitation: 4 March 2010, Lecture by Austrian State Secretary for Finance, Reinhold LOPATKA, „Europe 2020 – Perspectives for a Sustainable Future – Chances for Austria and Moldova”
Chisinau, 1 Martie 2010 — The Embassy of the Republic of Austria/Coordination Office of the Austrian Development Cooperation cordially invites you to attend the following event:

Reinhold LOPATKA, State Secretary at the Austrian Federal Ministry of Finance.
“Europe 2020 – Perspectives for a Sustainable Future – Chances for Austria and Moldova”.

Lecture and Discussion

Introductory Remarks by the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Moldova, Veaceslav NEGRUTA

Time: Thursday, 4 March 2010 at 11:00 am

Free International University of Moldova (ULIM), 52, str. Vlaicu Parcalab, Sala Mare Senatului, 4th floor

This event is organized as part of the “Austria Days Moldova 2010” (Chisinau, 3-5 March 2010).

Autor: Agentia Elvetiana pentru Dezvoltare si Cooperare, SDC

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