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The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) is looking for an Advisor on Solid Waste Management (SWM)
12 Noiembrie 2012 — The German Development Cooperation (GIZ) is looking for an Advisor on Solid Waste Management (SWM) under its “Modernisation of Local Public Services” project (MLPS).
The successful candidate shall assume the following responsibilities:
supervise and monitor implementation of investments of the pilot project on Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS) in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
coordinate baseline activities regarding Inter-Municipal Cooperation on the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
assist national and international short-term experts in performing their assignments on the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
cooperate closely with local partners and assisting them in their activities on establishing the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
cooperate closely with the RDAs and RDCs and assisting them in their activities related to the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
assist in cooperation with the GIZ project MLPS institutional partner the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and with the sectorial partner the Ministry of Environment (ME) of the Republic in Moldova and other development partners;
advise public servants, municipal council members, private sector representatives and civil society organizations on:
- participatory planning and budgeting
- regional development
- inter-communal cooperation
- project management
- public private partnerships
- procurement and tendering processes
- monitoring and evaluation;
perform any other tasks related to solid waste management and requested by the SWM Focal Point.
Required qualifications:
University degree in the field of Environment, Civil Engineering or Public Administration. A Master Degree in Civil Works and/or Environment would be an asset;
At least 2 years of work experience in the area of communal services and/or public administration. Experience in work with international organizations would be an asset;
Knowledge of administrative and government structures of the Republic of Moldova;
Strong communication skills, as well as a desire to work in an efficient, independent and innovative manner in a multi-disciplinary and inter-cultural team are expected;
Analytical skills and experience with data analyzing;
Driving license with driving experience;
Strong IT skills, and report writing skills;
Fluency in Romanian and English; knowledge of German and Russian would be an asset.
Applications, including detailed CV and motivation letter shall be sent not later than 23 November 2012, time 17:00 to the attention of Ms. Tatiana Dumbrava, tatiana.dumbrava@giz.de.
Please mention the position name in the title of your application message.
Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview.
The successful candidate shall assume the following responsibilities:
supervise and monitor implementation of investments of the pilot project on Integrated Solid Waste Management System (ISWMS) in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
coordinate baseline activities regarding Inter-Municipal Cooperation on the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
assist national and international short-term experts in performing their assignments on the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
cooperate closely with local partners and assisting them in their activities on establishing the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
cooperate closely with the RDAs and RDCs and assisting them in their activities related to the ISWMS in the communities of Floresti, Soldanesti, and Rezina rayons;
assist in cooperation with the GIZ project MLPS institutional partner the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and with the sectorial partner the Ministry of Environment (ME) of the Republic in Moldova and other development partners;
advise public servants, municipal council members, private sector representatives and civil society organizations on:
- participatory planning and budgeting
- regional development
- inter-communal cooperation
- project management
- public private partnerships
- procurement and tendering processes
- monitoring and evaluation;
perform any other tasks related to solid waste management and requested by the SWM Focal Point.
Required qualifications:
University degree in the field of Environment, Civil Engineering or Public Administration. A Master Degree in Civil Works and/or Environment would be an asset;
At least 2 years of work experience in the area of communal services and/or public administration. Experience in work with international organizations would be an asset;
Knowledge of administrative and government structures of the Republic of Moldova;
Strong communication skills, as well as a desire to work in an efficient, independent and innovative manner in a multi-disciplinary and inter-cultural team are expected;
Analytical skills and experience with data analyzing;
Driving license with driving experience;
Strong IT skills, and report writing skills;
Fluency in Romanian and English; knowledge of German and Russian would be an asset.
Applications, including detailed CV and motivation letter shall be sent not later than 23 November 2012, time 17:00 to the attention of Ms. Tatiana Dumbrava, tatiana.dumbrava@giz.de.
Please mention the position name in the title of your application message.
Only shortlisted candidates will be asked for an interview.

Autor: GIZ/Modernizarea serviciilor publice locale in RM
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