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Ekvtime: Man of God - Film screening will be in Kishinev
Chișinău, 30 Martie 2019 — Ekvtime: Man of God - trailer (3 min) - https://youtu.be/2MniTVvM3To
Film IMDB Page - www.imdb.com/title/tt6058226 (IMDB rate - 9,6)
Film Facebook page - www.facebook.com/ekvtimefilm
Website - www.Legendebi.com
Short Synopsis:
"In February of 1921, When Soviet Red Army invaded independent Sakartvelo (Georgia), government decided to take all precious antique, golden, art and holy treasure from the country and escape to France. They commissioned Ekvtime Takaishvili as a guardian of this treasure, who kept, saved and defended all these unique items from museums, court cases, collectors, gangsters, Nazis in his emigration during 24 years. He did not lose any item and brought back whole treasure to his homeland Tbilisi, Sakartvelo in 1945. Holy Church and People named him as "Man of God". This is a story of great love, struggle and patriotism, which shows how human can be above all the temptations and always keeping immortal values in life."
Film screening will be in Kishinev, Republic of Moldova on Sunday, March 31st, 2019
at 18:00 / 6 PM.
Address: Bureau of the Ethnic Minority Relations; Alexei Mateevich 109/1 (next to the US embassy).
P.S. Film is in Kartvelian Language (Georgian) with Russian Subtitles.
With respect, Nikoloz Khomasuridze
Director / Producer / Writer
Los Angeles Film School (www.lafilm.edu)
+95 592 12 46 33 (Tbilisi, Sakartvelo)
Film IMDB Page - www.imdb.com/title/tt6058226 (IMDB rate - 9,6)
Film Facebook page - www.facebook.com/ekvtimefilm
Website - www.Legendebi.com
Short Synopsis:
"In February of 1921, When Soviet Red Army invaded independent Sakartvelo (Georgia), government decided to take all precious antique, golden, art and holy treasure from the country and escape to France. They commissioned Ekvtime Takaishvili as a guardian of this treasure, who kept, saved and defended all these unique items from museums, court cases, collectors, gangsters, Nazis in his emigration during 24 years. He did not lose any item and brought back whole treasure to his homeland Tbilisi, Sakartvelo in 1945. Holy Church and People named him as "Man of God". This is a story of great love, struggle and patriotism, which shows how human can be above all the temptations and always keeping immortal values in life."
Film screening will be in Kishinev, Republic of Moldova on Sunday, March 31st, 2019
at 18:00 / 6 PM.
Address: Bureau of the Ethnic Minority Relations; Alexei Mateevich 109/1 (next to the US embassy).
P.S. Film is in Kartvelian Language (Georgian) with Russian Subtitles.
With respect, Nikoloz Khomasuridze
Director / Producer / Writer
Los Angeles Film School (www.lafilm.edu)
+95 592 12 46 33 (Tbilisi, Sakartvelo)

Autor: Alianța INFONET
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