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Chisinau, 13 Ianuarie 2010 — EURASIA FOUNDATION Moldova Representative Office is accepting applications for the position of
Responsibilities include providing day-to-day on-going assistance to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EFM programs. The incumbent will coordinate internal and external program meetings with stakeholders, arrange meetings and record minutes as needed; communicate with project stakeholders; organize site-visits events and draft reports; collect information on progress of the project, keep program files up-to-date, maintain accurate records for projects and perform regular file reviews; receive and register grants in the Grants Management System; translate various program documents and other related duties as assigned.
Qualifications: University Degree in economics, law, public administration or other related field; minimum 3 years of relevant program experience, including project design, proposal writing, grant-making or implementing; previous experience working with international donor organizations or within non-profit organizations is compulsory; experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc); experience in handling web-based management systems; fluency in Romanian, English and Russian is required.
Employment terms: full time job, start date - April 1, 2010.
Interested candidates should submit the Cover Letter and CV no later than February 5, 2010 to resumes@eurasia.md with "Moldova Program Assistant" in the subject line. Only selected candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please. You can find more information about the Eurasia Foundation programs at www.eurasia.md and www.eurasia.org
Responsibilities include providing day-to-day on-going assistance to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EFM programs. The incumbent will coordinate internal and external program meetings with stakeholders, arrange meetings and record minutes as needed; communicate with project stakeholders; organize site-visits events and draft reports; collect information on progress of the project, keep program files up-to-date, maintain accurate records for projects and perform regular file reviews; receive and register grants in the Grants Management System; translate various program documents and other related duties as assigned.
Qualifications: University Degree in economics, law, public administration or other related field; minimum 3 years of relevant program experience, including project design, proposal writing, grant-making or implementing; previous experience working with international donor organizations or within non-profit organizations is compulsory; experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc); experience in handling web-based management systems; fluency in Romanian, English and Russian is required.
Employment terms: full time job, start date - April 1, 2010.
Interested candidates should submit the Cover Letter and CV no later than February 5, 2010 to resumes@eurasia.md with "Moldova Program Assistant" in the subject line. Only selected candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please. You can find more information about the Eurasia Foundation programs at www.eurasia.md and www.eurasia.org

Autor: Fundatia Est-Europeana
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