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Final Conference of Water Leap Project in Chisinau
Chișinău, 14 Noiembrie 2016 — Moldova is a small country with huge demand for improving the water utilities services due to the deterioration of the existing environmental infrastructure. Utilities face a combination of factors including outdated equipment, high physical losses, inefficient operations, low staff productivity, and tariffs. The demanding legislative and regulatory criteria require investments in rehabilitation and new build infrastructure, but also a change of attitude towards the existing and future water resources.
The WaterLeap project (www.waterleap.eu) started in winter 2015-2016 aiming to transfer best-practice based experience and innovation to water authorities and other relevant and interested local parties, developing a new and innovative way to optimize decision-making in all lifecycle phases of wastewater treatment.
For both partners in the WaterLeapproject, Business Development GroupRomania and Moldavian Partner BASIN WATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY OF MOLDOVA, a state enterprise under the Agency “Waters of Moldova” was important to initiate the leap ahead in Moldovan wastewater treatment by applying a solid and best-practices based approach of wastewater Asset Management.
The final event of the project will be held in Chisinau on November 23rd, 2016 and it will gather together technology companies, engineering and NGOs as well as public administration in Republic of Moldova.
The project leader, CiprianNanufrom Business Development Group Romania will present the project concept, development and results obtained during the last year. The trainers in the project, Eef Leeuw and Tom Baur will initiate evaluation processes and discussions about further possible innovative project developments in the water sector in Republic of Moldova.
After a series of free and open webinars and several regional workshops held in last months (Orhei, Hincesti, Floresti,Chisinauetc.) the project is envisaging to deliver a training manual, contacting all relevant information presented during the project development phase (February-November 2016).
The agenda of the final conference as well as relevant information about WaterLeap project can be found at: https://www.slideshare.net/CiprianNanu/agenda-final-conference-waterleap23112016.
For more information and registration please contact:
The WaterLeap project (www.waterleap.eu) started in winter 2015-2016 aiming to transfer best-practice based experience and innovation to water authorities and other relevant and interested local parties, developing a new and innovative way to optimize decision-making in all lifecycle phases of wastewater treatment.
For both partners in the WaterLeapproject, Business Development GroupRomania and Moldavian Partner BASIN WATER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY OF MOLDOVA, a state enterprise under the Agency “Waters of Moldova” was important to initiate the leap ahead in Moldovan wastewater treatment by applying a solid and best-practices based approach of wastewater Asset Management.
The final event of the project will be held in Chisinau on November 23rd, 2016 and it will gather together technology companies, engineering and NGOs as well as public administration in Republic of Moldova.
The project leader, CiprianNanufrom Business Development Group Romania will present the project concept, development and results obtained during the last year. The trainers in the project, Eef Leeuw and Tom Baur will initiate evaluation processes and discussions about further possible innovative project developments in the water sector in Republic of Moldova.
After a series of free and open webinars and several regional workshops held in last months (Orhei, Hincesti, Floresti,Chisinauetc.) the project is envisaging to deliver a training manual, contacting all relevant information presented during the project development phase (February-November 2016).
The agenda of the final conference as well as relevant information about WaterLeap project can be found at: https://www.slideshare.net/CiprianNanu/agenda-final-conference-waterleap23112016.
For more information and registration please contact:

Autor: AO "Caroma Nord"
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