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OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Republic of Moldova for Parliamentary Elections 2009
7 Februarie 2009 — ORGANIZATION: OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission to Republic of Moldova for Parliamentary Elections 2009.
TITLE: National staff, various positions
MENU/LIST TEXT: Following an official invitation from the Moldovan authorities, the OSCE/ODIHR is deploying an election observation mission (EOM) to Moldova for the 5 April parliamentary elections.
In this respect, the OSCE/ODIHR is currently recruitment national staff to fill the following positions:
-Assistant to Head of Mission
-Assistant to Deputy Head of Mission
-Assistant to Political Analyst
-Assistant to Legal Analyst
-Assistant to Election Analyst
-Assistant to Gender Analyst
-Assistant to Long Term Observers Coordinator
-Assistant to Media Analyst
-Assistant to the Logistics Expert
-IT & Communication Assistant
-Finance Assistant
-Front Office Clerk
-Security Assistant
-Data entry Clerk
-Office Drivers
START DATE/ TIME: February 23, 2009.
DURATION: 6 to 9 weeks
LOCATION: Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
JOB DESCRIPTION: Job description varies for different positions.
JOB RESPONSIBILITIES: Various responsibilities for different positions.
REQUIRED QUALIFICATIONS: For all assistants positions in general:
- Degree in related field.
- At least 2 years of relevant experience at the national or international level. Experience with international organizations is an asset.
- Ability to work long hours and under pressure.
- Demonstrated ability to work with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds, different gender and diverse political views, while maintaining impartiality and objectivity.
- Proficiency in English and local languages.
REMUNERATION/ SALARY: Remuneration will depend on the qualifications and experience, and will be in accordance with established OSCE rates.
APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Candidates interested in applying for any of above mentioned positions should send a recent CV in English language to eommoldova2009@yahoo.com indicating for which position they are applying.
Short-listed candidates will be contacted for an interview shortly after the application deadline.
OPENING DATE: February 3, 2009
APPLICATION DEADLINE: February 18, 2009.
ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION: The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights is the leading agency in Europe in the field of election observation. It co-ordinates and organizes the deployment of several observation missions with thousands of observers every year to assess the compliance of elections in OSCE participating States in line with OSCE commitments, other international standards for democratic elections and national legislation. Its unique methodology provides an in-depth insight into all elements of an electoral process, and permits to make concrete recommendations to further improve electoral processes.
More info on: www.osce.org/odihr
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Working language of the OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission is English.

Autor: Administrator
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