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Amnesty International Moldova is employing an Activism and Campaigns Coordinator
Chişinău, 13 Septembrie 2013 — Amnesty International Moldova is employing an Activism and Campaigns Coordinator
Basic responsibilities:
1. Maintain AI Moldova’s good image and reputation as a membership driven organization promoting Human Rights and represent organization in the relevant capacity;
2. Identify possible partnerships and lobbying opportunities for enhancing AI Moldova position and respect for Human Rights, with state and non-state actors;
3. Coordinate the development, producing, distribution of campaigns materials;
4. Prepare and submit quarterly activity/campaign reports;
5. Motivate campaign participants and activists by involving them in different activities;
6. Maintain the system of on-line petitions and activism;
7. Up-date AIM site with information on activism and campaigns;
8. Maintain and support local groups interest to participate in AI campaigns;
9. Develop, coordinate and support 4 HR thematic working groups;
10. Provide and motivate membership with sufficient information and capacity to work independently on Urgent Actions;
11. Coordinate all campaigns activities with staff members (inform ahead Press and Public Relations Officer);
12. Participation in financial management and budget planning concerning organization and campaigns delivery.
• experience in developing and conducting campaigns, advocacy, or projects; also work experience in NGO networks, knowledge of the essence and specifics of member-based organization;
• interest in human rights and their understanding;
• excellent communication skills, both verbal and written;
• understanding of the necessity of efficient communication for work coordination and team’s productive activity;
• ability to speak in public;
• knowledge of the Romanian, English and Russian languages;
• ability to work in a team, inspire and motivate people for developing activism; trainer’s abilities;
• self-organization; personal and work time management;
• responsibility, creativity, activism, and initiative;
• PC at user’s level.
Knowledge in the fields of human rights, law, as well work experience in NGOs is an asset.
Selected candidates only will be invited for an interview.
To participate in the selection one shall send an application till 25 September 2013, 12.00 (Chişinău local time), to the following e-mail address: director@amnesty.md with note ‘Activism and Campaigns Coordinator’. Full application shall contain:
1. Curriculum Vitae (1-2 pages)
2. Letter of intent in the Romanian language or English (0.5-1 page)
3. Name, position, and contacts of two persons who can provide reference
Basic responsibilities:
1. Maintain AI Moldova’s good image and reputation as a membership driven organization promoting Human Rights and represent organization in the relevant capacity;
2. Identify possible partnerships and lobbying opportunities for enhancing AI Moldova position and respect for Human Rights, with state and non-state actors;
3. Coordinate the development, producing, distribution of campaigns materials;
4. Prepare and submit quarterly activity/campaign reports;
5. Motivate campaign participants and activists by involving them in different activities;
6. Maintain the system of on-line petitions and activism;
7. Up-date AIM site with information on activism and campaigns;
8. Maintain and support local groups interest to participate in AI campaigns;
9. Develop, coordinate and support 4 HR thematic working groups;
10. Provide and motivate membership with sufficient information and capacity to work independently on Urgent Actions;
11. Coordinate all campaigns activities with staff members (inform ahead Press and Public Relations Officer);
12. Participation in financial management and budget planning concerning organization and campaigns delivery.
• experience in developing and conducting campaigns, advocacy, or projects; also work experience in NGO networks, knowledge of the essence and specifics of member-based organization;
• interest in human rights and their understanding;
• excellent communication skills, both verbal and written;
• understanding of the necessity of efficient communication for work coordination and team’s productive activity;
• ability to speak in public;
• knowledge of the Romanian, English and Russian languages;
• ability to work in a team, inspire and motivate people for developing activism; trainer’s abilities;
• self-organization; personal and work time management;
• responsibility, creativity, activism, and initiative;
• PC at user’s level.
Knowledge in the fields of human rights, law, as well work experience in NGOs is an asset.
Selected candidates only will be invited for an interview.
To participate in the selection one shall send an application till 25 September 2013, 12.00 (Chişinău local time), to the following e-mail address: director@amnesty.md with note ‘Activism and Campaigns Coordinator’. Full application shall contain:
1. Curriculum Vitae (1-2 pages)
2. Letter of intent in the Romanian language or English (0.5-1 page)
3. Name, position, and contacts of two persons who can provide reference

Autor: Amnesty International Moldova
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