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Job Title: Public Information Assistant
Chisinau, 3 August 2012 — Job Title: Public Information Assistant.
Organization Name: OSCE Mission to Moldova.
Location: Chisinau,MD
Grade G5
Closing Date of application 22-08-2012
No. of Posts 1
OSCE missions and field activities are the front line of OSCE work in countries that require assistance and are the agent through which political decisions are translated into action. Each mission has a different mandate but generally work addresses early warning, preventive diplomacy, conflict management and post-conflict rehabilitation.
Tasks and Responsibilities
The incumbent works in the Programme of the Office of Head of Mission under the direct supervision of the Mission Spokesperson and closely cooperates with the Head of Mission, Deputy Head of Mission and the Political Officers, as well as with the other international and national Mission Members.
Compiles and distributes a daily news digest containing edited news from news agencies and newspapers from Moldova (including Transdniestria) on events relevant to the activity of the Mission;
Translates from English into Romanian or Russian and vice versa: press conferences; oral and written interviews of the HOM, DHOM or the Spokesperson; press releases; public information material; other material on request of the HOM, DHOM or the Spokesperson;
Attends press conferences, sessions of Parliament, the Audiovisual Co-ordination Council and the TRM-Supervisory Board as well as other relevant media events and reports on them in writing to the Spokesperson;
Receives newspapers, news from news agencies and from Moldova (including Transdniestria), Romania, Russia and Ukraine and other OSCE participating states and draws the attention of the supervisor and relevant local and international staff to the news relevant for the activity of the Mission;
Records TV news and analytical programs as well as talk shows relevant for the activity of the Mission;
Arranges for meeting rooms, types and sends agenda and background materials, notifies participants of time, dates and prepares draft minutes of those meetings for the supervisor’s consideration, and distributes the final reports;
Administrates the public information material of the Mission and ensures its availability and proper distribution;
Performs other duties as assigned.
Necessary Qualifications
Secondary education supplemented by formal training in public information or languages
Minimum 4 years experience in public information or as translator interpreter with an international organization or in a media related field
Computer literate with practical knowledge of Microsoft packages
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, Romanian and Russian languages
Ability to work with people of different nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds
Resident of the Republic of Moldova.
Remuneration Package
Monthly remuneration, subject to social security deduction is EUR 565.83. OSCE salaries are exempt from taxation in Moldova. Social benefits include participation in the Vanbreda medical insurance scheme and the OSCE Provident Fund.
How To Apply
If you wish to apply for this position, please use the OSCE online application system provided. However, if you encounter difficulties with the system you may use the offline application form available at http://www.osce.org/employment/21.
You should submit the offline application via email to the address personnel.moldova@osce.org with the mark in the subject field “Public Information Assistant”. The deadline for the submission of online/offline applications is 22 August 2012.
Only the OSCE on/off-line applications will be accepted and short-listed applicants contacted.
The OSCE is committed to achieving a better balance of women and men within the Organization. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.
Organization Name: OSCE Mission to Moldova.
Location: Chisinau,MD
Grade G5
Closing Date of application 22-08-2012
No. of Posts 1
OSCE missions and field activities are the front line of OSCE work in countries that require assistance and are the agent through which political decisions are translated into action. Each mission has a different mandate but generally work addresses early warning, preventive diplomacy, conflict management and post-conflict rehabilitation.
Tasks and Responsibilities
The incumbent works in the Programme of the Office of Head of Mission under the direct supervision of the Mission Spokesperson and closely cooperates with the Head of Mission, Deputy Head of Mission and the Political Officers, as well as with the other international and national Mission Members.
Compiles and distributes a daily news digest containing edited news from news agencies and newspapers from Moldova (including Transdniestria) on events relevant to the activity of the Mission;
Translates from English into Romanian or Russian and vice versa: press conferences; oral and written interviews of the HOM, DHOM or the Spokesperson; press releases; public information material; other material on request of the HOM, DHOM or the Spokesperson;
Attends press conferences, sessions of Parliament, the Audiovisual Co-ordination Council and the TRM-Supervisory Board as well as other relevant media events and reports on them in writing to the Spokesperson;
Receives newspapers, news from news agencies and from Moldova (including Transdniestria), Romania, Russia and Ukraine and other OSCE participating states and draws the attention of the supervisor and relevant local and international staff to the news relevant for the activity of the Mission;
Records TV news and analytical programs as well as talk shows relevant for the activity of the Mission;
Arranges for meeting rooms, types and sends agenda and background materials, notifies participants of time, dates and prepares draft minutes of those meetings for the supervisor’s consideration, and distributes the final reports;
Administrates the public information material of the Mission and ensures its availability and proper distribution;
Performs other duties as assigned.
Necessary Qualifications
Secondary education supplemented by formal training in public information or languages
Minimum 4 years experience in public information or as translator interpreter with an international organization or in a media related field
Computer literate with practical knowledge of Microsoft packages
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, Romanian and Russian languages
Ability to work with people of different nationalities, religions and cultural backgrounds
Resident of the Republic of Moldova.
Remuneration Package
Monthly remuneration, subject to social security deduction is EUR 565.83. OSCE salaries are exempt from taxation in Moldova. Social benefits include participation in the Vanbreda medical insurance scheme and the OSCE Provident Fund.
How To Apply
If you wish to apply for this position, please use the OSCE online application system provided. However, if you encounter difficulties with the system you may use the offline application form available at http://www.osce.org/employment/21.
You should submit the offline application via email to the address personnel.moldova@osce.org with the mark in the subject field “Public Information Assistant”. The deadline for the submission of online/offline applications is 22 August 2012.
Only the OSCE on/off-line applications will be accepted and short-listed applicants contacted.
The OSCE is committed to achieving a better balance of women and men within the Organization. Female candidates are particularly encouraged to apply.

Autor: Administrator
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