Vizualizări: 4991
FLEX Program Coordinator
Chisinau, 10 Iunie 2011 — Full-‐time position
Serves as program liaison with the Moldovan Ministry of Education, regional and local education authorities, U.S. Embassy and other critical partners;
Promotes the program in Moldova by developing an advertising campaign, working with traditional and virtual media, mass mailings, etc.;
Coordinates logistics for testing throughout Moldova and participant departure to U.S.;
Develops multiple annual budgets;
Make public presentations, including audio and video interviews;
Supports students and their families before, during and after participation.
Must be able to travel up to 5 continuous days at a time, approximately 2 months/year.
Minimum qualifications:
Advanced spoken and written English, Russian and Romanian;
Strong organizational, problem solving and time management skills;
Ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and effectively;
Advanced computer skills in MS Office, e-‐mail, Adobe, etc.
Preferred qualifications:
Experience as an exchange program participant;
Experience conducting social research (interviews & focus groups);
Experience in a cross-‐cultural work environment;
Experience as psychologist, "animator", social worker or professor.
To apply, send a CV and cover letter by 20 June, 2011 to: office@americancouncils.md Please include the words "FLEX Coordinator" in the email subject.
Serves as program liaison with the Moldovan Ministry of Education, regional and local education authorities, U.S. Embassy and other critical partners;
Promotes the program in Moldova by developing an advertising campaign, working with traditional and virtual media, mass mailings, etc.;
Coordinates logistics for testing throughout Moldova and participant departure to U.S.;
Develops multiple annual budgets;
Make public presentations, including audio and video interviews;
Supports students and their families before, during and after participation.
Must be able to travel up to 5 continuous days at a time, approximately 2 months/year.
Minimum qualifications:
Advanced spoken and written English, Russian and Romanian;
Strong organizational, problem solving and time management skills;
Ability to manage multiple priorities quickly and effectively;
Advanced computer skills in MS Office, e-‐mail, Adobe, etc.
Preferred qualifications:
Experience as an exchange program participant;
Experience conducting social research (interviews & focus groups);
Experience in a cross-‐cultural work environment;
Experience as psychologist, "animator", social worker or professor.
To apply, send a CV and cover letter by 20 June, 2011 to: office@americancouncils.md Please include the words "FLEX Coordinator" in the email subject.

Autor: Administrator
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