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Chisinau, 13 Ianuarie 2010 — EURASIA FOUNDATION Moldova Representative Office is accepting applications for the position of
Responsibilities include managing all aspects of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EFM’s projects in the field of private sector reform, including media development. The incumbent will perform regular needs assessments, draft donor and internal reports, provide input into regional fundraising and outreach activities, organize trainings and other events.
Qualifications: Bachelor degree in economics, legal or other related field plus strong experience in corresponding areas / Master degree in a western country will be an advantage; minimum 3 years of relevant program management, including project design, proposal writing, grant-making or implementing. Previous experience working with international donor organizations and managing donor-funded civil society projects (USAID, EU, and other donors). Excellent managerial, interpersonal and networking skills, as well as the ability to establish and maintain professional contacts with government officials, NGOs, business community, Media, international organizations.
Fluency in Romanian, English and Russian is required.
Competitive salary will be offered for this position based on prior experience and candidate’s qualifications.
Employment terms: full time job, start date - March 1, 2010.
Interested candidates should submit the Cover Letter and CV no later than February 5, 2010 to resumes@eurasia.md with "Moldova Program Officer" in the subject line. Only selected candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please. You can find more information about the Eurasia Foundation programs at www.eurasia.md and www.eurasia.org
Responsibilities include managing all aspects of design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EFM’s projects in the field of private sector reform, including media development. The incumbent will perform regular needs assessments, draft donor and internal reports, provide input into regional fundraising and outreach activities, organize trainings and other events.
Qualifications: Bachelor degree in economics, legal or other related field plus strong experience in corresponding areas / Master degree in a western country will be an advantage; minimum 3 years of relevant program management, including project design, proposal writing, grant-making or implementing. Previous experience working with international donor organizations and managing donor-funded civil society projects (USAID, EU, and other donors). Excellent managerial, interpersonal and networking skills, as well as the ability to establish and maintain professional contacts with government officials, NGOs, business community, Media, international organizations.
Fluency in Romanian, English and Russian is required.
Competitive salary will be offered for this position based on prior experience and candidate’s qualifications.
Employment terms: full time job, start date - March 1, 2010.
Interested candidates should submit the Cover Letter and CV no later than February 5, 2010 to resumes@eurasia.md with "Moldova Program Officer" in the subject line. Only selected candidates will be contacted. No phone calls please. You can find more information about the Eurasia Foundation programs at www.eurasia.md and www.eurasia.org

Autor: Fundatia Est-Europeana
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