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Eurasia Foundation Moldova Representative Office (EFM) is accepting applications for Independent Evaluation of Civic Coalition for Free and Fair Elections – „Coalition 2009”
Chisinau, 19 Mai 2009 — The evaluation will be conducted during the June-July 2009 time period. The overall objective of the evaluation is to provide an objective assessment of the impact of Coalition projects vis-à-vis their stated goals and to evaluate the effectiveness and relevance of the approach/strategy chosen by EF.
The key products expected from this evaluation are: (i) the evaluation methodology, which must be approved by the Eurasia Foundation’s Representative Office in Moldova; (ii) a comprehensive evaluation report in English.
The evaluator/evaluation team should have relevant evaluation experience in the field of free and fair elections or related areas. The minimum requirements include:
• Experience working in Moldova and/or other countries of the former Soviet Union is highly desirable;
• Minimum three years of related experience;
• Working experience with international organizations will be an advantage;
• Fluency in Romanian/Russian will be an asset.
The applicant should submit the following documents: (i) a CV reflecting the relevant experience of the applicant with at least 3 references; (ii) examples of previous evaluations performed by the applicant if applicable; (iii) short vision of achieving the task, including the evaluation methodology; (iv) a tentative timetable for preparation, field-work, analysis and finalization of the Report; (v) detailed budget for the evaluation in USD (travel costs, communications, fees, etc.).
The deadline for submissions is 3 June 2009. It is expected that the evaluation will be conducted throughout June - July 2009 with a preliminary draft report submitted to EF by 17 July 2009. The final report is planned to be due on 07 August 2009.
The application should be sent to the following address: 49/4, Tighina Street, 3rd floor, MD-2001, Chisinau, Moldova, or alternatively by e-mail: eurasia@eurasia.md with “Coalition 2009 Evaluator” in the subject line.
For further information please consult the Scope of Work attached to this announcement. All questions regarding this task shall be addressed in written to Irina Ciobanu, EFM Program Assistant, at iciobanu@eurasia.md.
Only selected candidates will be contacted.

Autor: Administrator
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