Vizualizări: 7469
Chisinau, 21 Aprilie 2009 — RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION
CRS announces an opening for the position of
Program Manager, Head of Project Development Unit
Background & Responsibilities:
A senior management level position, the Program Manager ensures program quality and sustained growth for CRS activities in Moldova. Under the general direction of the Head of Office, the PM plays a prime role in program strategy development, staff capacity building and partner relations. The Program Manager’s responsibilities include:
Providing day-to-day leadership and supervision of the Program Develop Unit (PDU) and project officers to ensure effective implementation of, monitoring of and reporting on CRS projects.
Serving as a key member of the Moldova management team and participating in decision-making on broad issues affecting the overall running of CRS Moldova operations, frequently representing CRS with the local government, national and regional action committees, the local Church and other religious groups, as well as with private business and civil society partners.
Identifying growth opportunities for partnerships, assisting in the development of high-quality proposals, managing optimal partner relations, and providing technical guidance and assistance to local partners.
The Program Manager must be able to work closely with representatives from the NGO, government and private sectors and bring the following skills to the job:
Minimum three years of directly relevant professional experience, preferably managing partnership subcontracts and grants from public donors, including USAID.
Background in programs dealing with rural poverty reduction, income generation and job creation, community participation, women’s empowerment, human trafficking, and HIV&AIDS.
Demonstrated leadership skills.
Understanding and capacity in fund development.
Sound program monitoring and evaluation skills.
Ability to transfer knowledge and skills formally and informally to diverse audiences; ability to facilitate partner and staff knowledge exchange.
Basic proposal design and writing skills.
Business development background and knowledge of business planning, social enterprise and social marketing is critical.
Excellent communication skills, fluent in English (high standard of spoken and written English essential to job performance).
HIV & AIDS knowledge and awareness.
Proficiency in MS Office Suite including Word, Excel, Outlook, Power Point, Access.
Ability to travel within Moldova for extended 1-3 day field assignments in rural areas (approximately 20 – 30 %).
A detailed Job Description is provided per request to the e-mail below.
Salary is commensurate with experience and the responsibilities of the position. A range of benefits, including health insurance & vacation plans are provided.
How to apply:
Interested parties should submit letters of interest with their CVs (in English) by no later than Friday, May 15, 2009 to: moldova@eme.crs.org. Only applicants selected for interview will be notified.

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