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Joint Project “Strengthening the National Statistical System”
announces the following short-term job vacancies under SSA modality
The sustainable development of the county and its society is only possible by ensuring certain quality environmental factors, which contribute to keeping up good health and quality of life. Even if the impact of economy on the environment is smaller, still the deficient (because of the economic crisis during transition and deindustrialization) economic development of the country had an adverse impact on environment. The worsening of the environmental situation in the Republic of Moldova has a negative impact on both the health status of people and the agricultural production
A comprehensive assessment of the environment statistical system should be conducted to reveal the additional needs of public administration authorities in terms of measuring the national outcome indicators in the field of environment, to afterwards be discussed and endorsed by the specialists from the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MENR) and its subordinated units, and be suggested for putting in practice.
Scope of work
UNDP Moldova is seeking to employ one national consultant who will provide the necessary conceptual and practical support in revision of the statistical infrastructure, including both the system of indicators and toolkit (information flows, data sources, data collection system, system of reports and indicators, metadata, etc.), in the field of environment.
Tasks and responsibilities:
* Develop, in tight collaboration with NBS staff, a complex system of statistical indicators on environment in line with international standards and in compliance with identified national policy needs, Describe the revised and newly proposed indicators in metadata format;
* Revise and improve the existing statistical reports in environment fields and propose a new system /scheme of statistical reports’ collection, corresponding both, to the needs of the National Bureau of Statistics and those of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources;
* Elaborate, in cooperation with NBS and MENR, a presentation/report on environment statistics in Moldova to be presented in the framework of the forthcoming Joint Meeting on Environmental Indicators (to take place in Chisinau on 4 – 6 May 2009, organizers United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations Statistics Division, large international participation).
Qualifications and skills required:
* Advanced degree in economics, environment, statistics and/or other science related to areas relevant for the assignment;
* At least 5 years of proven experience in areas related to environment protection inside the country or outside;
* Proven experience in undertaking of (or participation in) monitoring in fields of environment protection;
* Strong analytical, writing and communication skills;
* Good knowledge of the environment concepts, environment legal framework and monitoring systems;
* Knowledge of the peculiarities of statistical sector would be an advantage (data collection process, methodologies used in environment statistics, etc.);
* Familiarity with European/international standards and best practices in the filed of environment would be an asset;
* Experience in working with international organizations and UN agencies in particular;
* Excellent communications skills in oral and written Russian and Romanian;
* Good knowledge of English will be an asset;
* Availability to work with UNDP and Project’s national stakeholders during the indicated/approved period.
Interested persons should submit their applications, consisting of a duly completed Personal History Form (P11), Technical Proposal (Short vision on achievement of tasks) and a Financial Proposal (number of working days, fee per assignment) for carrying out the tasks, with the mark: “Statistics: Environment” by the 25th of March 2009, 13:00 (local time) to the following address: UNDP Office, 131, 31 August 1989 Street, MD-2012, Chisinau, Moldova, alternatively by email to vacancies-moldova@undp.org.
Detailed Terms of Reference and Personal History Form are available at UNDP website http://www.undp.md/employment (JOBS).
Only those short listed will be contacted.
Failure of candidates to submit a duly completed P11 form, as well as false representations on this form, shall constitute sufficient grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of the application. All information provided in the P11 form will be treated as strictly confidential.
The assignment could be undertaken by a group of consultants if a proper justification for distribution of tasks so that the final objective is obtained, is enclosed to the Technical Proposal.

Autor: Administrator
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