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CRS ANUNŢĂ 2 POZIŢII VACANTE. Grăbiţi-vă să aplicaţi!
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) announces an open recruitment to fill vacant position for a Receptionist in the Headquarters office for CRS/Moldova. It is a full-time position funded through September 2012. Salary is competitive & commensurate with experience. A range of benefits, including health insurance & vacation plans are provided.
Interested parties should submit letters of interest, updated copies of their CVs by no later than close of business Friday, March 6, 2009 to: moldova@eme.crs.org. Only applicants selected for interview will be notified. The letter of interest and CV should be submitted in standard business English.
Under the immediate supervision of the Operations Manager, this position will provide essential administrative and logistical support to the CRS staff. The essential duties include:
• Greet guests and visitors to the office and log them in;
• Handle incoming and outgoing mail distribution and fax messages for staff as requested;
• Perform routine copying and maintain office printers and copiers;
• Maintain the petty cash fund;
• Answer telephones and take/route messages in a professional manner;
• Conduct routine filing of documents, including the maintenance of technical and other informational binders;
• Handle the set-up for staff and partner meetings and small conferences;
• Maintain the supply cabinets;
Minimum requirements: 2+ years relevant experience in a professional office setting; knowledge of office equipment: PC, fax, photocopier; strong computer skills in MS Office; good written and spoken Romanian and business English; excellent communicator and people skills; good telephone & presentation skills.
Other desirable, non- essential qualifications: Good spoken and written Russian language skills; driving license and the capacity to operate a vehicle; accounting or bookkeeping training; prior experience working with an NGO, especially a foreign technical assistance project.
Personal Competencies:
• Professional demeanor: courteous, diplomatic, punctual;
• Self-motivated & able to work without close supervision under tight deadlines & stressful conditions;
• Quick learner; agile, flexible, adaptable;
• Ability to effectively work as part of a team;
• Willingness to work after hours & weekends as needed.
• Trustworthy and the ability to maintain confidentiality.

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