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CRS ANUNŢĂ 2 POZIŢII VACANTE. Grabiţi-vă să aplicaţi!
CRS announces an opening for the position of PROJECT OFFICER for its forthcoming project entitled HEALTHY CHOICES FOR YOUTH: HIV PREVENTION IN RURAL MOLDOVA.
The Project Officer must be able to work closely with representatives from both the NGO and government sectors and bring the following skills to the job:
* Three years of management experience in development programs
* Experience in facilitation, community mobilization, and mediation among local actors
* Experience living in rural villages or working with NGOs or other community groups and leaders in rural villages in Moldova
* Excellent writing and communication skills in the English, Romanian and Russian languages
* Ability to develop proposals and write reports meeting CRS requirements
* Capacity to establish and maintain strong, collaborative working relationships with donors, government officials, local organizations, communities and other stakeholders
* Background in education or training program design
* An eagerness to learn and to work as part of a team of like-minded individuals dedicated to combating poverty and improving the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals in Moldova
* A strong motivation to work in support of CRS’ mission to promote human development by fighting disease and poverty, and working for the common good of all
* Prior experience with HIV and AIDS related projects, preferably with prevention activities
* Willingness to work within CRS agency policy regarding HIV prevention programming, which, among other things, has as its cornerstone abstinence and fidelity programming
Background & Responsibilities:
The project seeks to decrease the incidence of HIV among rural youth in Moldova through preventative training initiatives for youth, parents, and village leaders. The Project Officer’s responsibilities include:
* Overseeing development of HIV prevention training programs for youth, parents, and village leaders
* Identifying and assessing villages to participate in the project
* Mobilizing local NGOs in interested villages to help implement the project
* Providing technical assistance to village stakeholders for the implementation of the project
* Administering vendor contracts and a small grant program for beneficiaries
* Organizing summer camps for youth and exchange of experiences for adults
* Monitoring and evaluation of the project activities carried out in rural villages
* Building and maintaining relationships with key government actors and other NGOs
Salary is commensurate with experience and the responsibilities of the position. A range of benefits, including health insurance & vacation plans are provided.
How to apply:
Interested parties should submit letters of interest with their CVs (in English) by no later than Friday, March 6, 2009 to: moldova@eme.crs.org Only applicants selected for interview will be notified.
CRS announces an opening for the position of PROJECT OFFICER for its forthcoming project entitled HEALTHY CHOICES FOR YOUTH: HIV PREVENTION IN RURAL MOLDOVA
The Project Officer must be able to work closely with representatives from both the NGO and government sectors and bring the following skills to the job:
* Three years of management experience in development programs
* Experience in facilitation, community mobilization, and mediation among local actors
* Experience living in rural villages or working with NGOs or other community groups and leaders in rural villages in Moldova
* Excellent writing and communication skills in the English, Romanian and Russian languages
* Ability to develop proposals and write reports meeting CRS requirements
* Capacity to establish and maintain strong, collaborative working relationships with donors, government officials, local organizations, communities and other stakeholders
* Background in education or training program design
* An eagerness to learn and to work as part of a team of like-minded individuals dedicated to combating poverty and improving the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals in Moldova
* A strong motivation to work in support of CRS’ mission to promote human development by fighting disease and poverty, and working for the common good of all
* Prior experience with HIV and AIDS related projects, preferably with prevention activities
* Willingness to work within CRS agency policy regarding HIV prevention programming, which, among other things, has as its cornerstone abstinence and fidelity programming
Background & Responsibilities:
The project seeks to decrease the incidence of HIV among rural youth in Moldova through preventative training initiatives for youth, parents, and village leaders. The Project Officer’s responsibilities include:
Overseeing development of HIV prevention training programs for youth, parents, and village leaders
* Identifying and assessing villages to participate in the project
* Mobilizing local NGOs in interested villages to help implement the project
* Providing technical assistance to village stakeholders for the implementation of the project
* Administering vendor contracts and a small grant program for beneficiaries
* Organizing summer camps for youth and exchange of experiences for adults
* Monitoring and evaluation of the project activities carried out in rural villages
* Building and maintaining relationships with key government actors and other NGOs
Salary is commensurate with experience and the responsibilities of the position. A range of benefits, including health insurance & vacation plans are provided.
How to apply:
Interested parties should submit letters of interest with their CVs (in English) by no later than Friday, March 6, 2009 to: moldova@eme.crs.org
Only applicants selected for interview will be notified.

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