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‘Cultural diversity among youth across Dniester River’
Chisinau, 26 ianuarie, 2013, 14 Decembrie 2012 — Call for participants
The International Committee for Civic Diplomacy announces selection of participants in the Round Table ‘Cultural diversity among youth across Dniester River’’ that will take place on January 26, 2013.
The purpose of the event:
- Identify the existing misunderstandings and misperceptions;
- Discuss similarities and differences in values, behaviour, conditions of living
- Reflect on tolerance and acceptance of cultural differences)
- Involve young people, encourage active participation and offer formative experience.
Who can apply?
University students of 1st -3rd year.
Interested persons are asked to send a CV and a filled application form (that can be downloaded on the website www.civicdiplomacy.org to concurs@civicdiplomacy.org by 25 December 2012.
Successful candidates will be informed about selection results no later than January 5, 2013.
The Round Table will comprise of a mix of development techniques: lecturers, group activities, discussions, case studies, group presentations. The participants will gain the chance to learn from academics and civic activists, develop the network of contacts and improve understanding of the topic.
There is no participation fee. The organizers will provide meals and working materials.
The working language of the Round Table is English. If necessary, translation will be provided. More information about the content of the seminar, experts and place where it will be organized can be found on our web site: www.civicdiplomacy.org
The deadline for submission of applications– 25 December 2012.
The International Committee for Civic Diplomacy announces selection of participants in the Round Table ‘Cultural diversity among youth across Dniester River’’ that will take place on January 26, 2013.
The purpose of the event:
- Identify the existing misunderstandings and misperceptions;
- Discuss similarities and differences in values, behaviour, conditions of living
- Reflect on tolerance and acceptance of cultural differences)
- Involve young people, encourage active participation and offer formative experience.
Who can apply?
University students of 1st -3rd year.
Interested persons are asked to send a CV and a filled application form (that can be downloaded on the website www.civicdiplomacy.org to concurs@civicdiplomacy.org by 25 December 2012.
Successful candidates will be informed about selection results no later than January 5, 2013.
The Round Table will comprise of a mix of development techniques: lecturers, group activities, discussions, case studies, group presentations. The participants will gain the chance to learn from academics and civic activists, develop the network of contacts and improve understanding of the topic.
There is no participation fee. The organizers will provide meals and working materials.
The working language of the Round Table is English. If necessary, translation will be provided. More information about the content of the seminar, experts and place where it will be organized can be found on our web site: www.civicdiplomacy.org
The deadline for submission of applications– 25 December 2012.

Autor: Comitetul International pentru Diplomatie Civica
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