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Thirty mini-grants in the field of LPA transparency in process of implementation
30 Octombrie 2019 — The inhabitants of 10 localities from different zones of the Republic of Moldova will have greater access to public information and will be more actively involved in the local decision-making process thanks to the 30 mini-grants implemented by 11 active NGOs, LPAs and initiative groups, beneficiaries of the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency trough participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova”.
By implementing these mini-projects, the CONTACT Centre aims to establish new ways of communication between citizens and the local public administration.
So far, the following activities were undertaken in the beneficiary communities:
Chetrosu commune, the villages Mereni and Costeşti, the towns Drochia, Ştefan Vodă, Leova and Glodeni managed to print the first issue of the Local Newsletter;
Stefan Voda, Gura Bicului, Copceac and Chetrosu installed the audio-video equipment in the sitting-hall of the Mayoralty;
Mereni and Chetrosu localities are in the process of elaborating and launching the webpages of the local communities;
The localities of Gura Bicului, Copceac and Dubasarii Vechi are in the process of installing the necessary equipment for the radio stations, by means of which the citizens of these localities will be informed and notified. The radio stations will daily broadcast local news, including the decisions made by the local public authorities.
The Day of Open Doors at Mereni Mayoralty took place with the involvement of young people in the decision making related to the landscaping of the village territory and other project ideas coming from them. The Mayor Colesnic Ludmila and the CLT Coordinator Leu Marta supported the attractive ideas and encouraged the young people’s direct involvement on behalf of the APL.
Information campaigns for the citizens and all interested persons about the activity of the local, communal, and town councils are in the process of organization.
Internal rules to ensure transparency and access to information have been developed and approved in most of the beneficiary localities.
The aim of the project is to increase the level of transparency in the activity of local public authorities through the elaboration, promotion and adoption in a participatory way of local public policies, the elaboration and implementation of local plans to deepen transparency and to ensure citizens’ access to information of public interest.
We mention that the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency trough participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova” is funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and carried out by the CONTACT Centre.
For details or additional information: 022 233948 lilia.porumb2017@gmail.com.
Contact person - Liliana Porumb, project coordinator.
By implementing these mini-projects, the CONTACT Centre aims to establish new ways of communication between citizens and the local public administration.
So far, the following activities were undertaken in the beneficiary communities:
Chetrosu commune, the villages Mereni and Costeşti, the towns Drochia, Ştefan Vodă, Leova and Glodeni managed to print the first issue of the Local Newsletter;
Stefan Voda, Gura Bicului, Copceac and Chetrosu installed the audio-video equipment in the sitting-hall of the Mayoralty;
Mereni and Chetrosu localities are in the process of elaborating and launching the webpages of the local communities;
The localities of Gura Bicului, Copceac and Dubasarii Vechi are in the process of installing the necessary equipment for the radio stations, by means of which the citizens of these localities will be informed and notified. The radio stations will daily broadcast local news, including the decisions made by the local public authorities.
The Day of Open Doors at Mereni Mayoralty took place with the involvement of young people in the decision making related to the landscaping of the village territory and other project ideas coming from them. The Mayor Colesnic Ludmila and the CLT Coordinator Leu Marta supported the attractive ideas and encouraged the young people’s direct involvement on behalf of the APL.
Information campaigns for the citizens and all interested persons about the activity of the local, communal, and town councils are in the process of organization.
Internal rules to ensure transparency and access to information have been developed and approved in most of the beneficiary localities.
The aim of the project is to increase the level of transparency in the activity of local public authorities through the elaboration, promotion and adoption in a participatory way of local public policies, the elaboration and implementation of local plans to deepen transparency and to ensure citizens’ access to information of public interest.
We mention that the project “Increasing Local Government Transparency trough participatory policies in the Republic of Moldova” is funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) and carried out by the CONTACT Centre.
For details or additional information: 022 233948 lilia.porumb2017@gmail.com.
Contact person - Liliana Porumb, project coordinator.

Autor: Centrul Contact
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