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Recommendations of the Civil Society from Eastern Partnership Countries on the Eve of the Summit from Vilnius
Chișinău, 6 Octombrie 2013 — The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum rejects economic, political and other attempts of Russia to persuade Ukraine, the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Armenia to turn away from European aspirations. This statement is part of the final declaration of the 5th reunion of this Forum, held on October 4-5, 2013 in Chisinau. The participants in the Forum consider such pressures from a country that is a member of the OSCE and Council of Europe as unacceptable.

At the same time, the Forum welcomed the availability of the EU institutions to identify solutions aimed at alleviating losses born by EaP member-countries.

Delegates of civil society from member-countries of the Eastern Partnership hope that the Association Agreement with Ukraine will be signed in Vilnius and on the same occasion, the Agreements with Georgia and the Republic of Moldova will be initialed.

On the other hand, the different level of progress registered by EaP member-states should not cause major differences in the treatment of these countries by the EU, stipulates the declaration. The participants consider that these would contradict the basic principles of the EaP and would determine the authorities of some countries to abandon reforms initiated previously and, that is why, states which register gaps require more attention than before.

Participants in the Forum concluded that the Vilnius summit will identify the best way to support the reform process in the EU s Eastern neighborhood and in all EaP countries. There can be no better way of ensuring the EU’s security than by continuing to work for the establishment of legitimate regimes and prosperous societies on its borders. Those EU member states which do not understand this demonstrate a lack of political understanding which can have tragic consequences, reads the draft declaration adopted at the end of the reunion.

The 5th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is organized with the support of the European Commission / the European External Action Service, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Government of Sweden, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Transparency International Moldova and East-European Foundation.