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A drawing week against child labour in Moldova
Vadul lui Vodă, 8 Iulie 2011 — 65 drawings against child labour – an exhibition that presented children’s response in colours to the issue of child labour. This is the work of children, who are in a summer vacation organised with support of the National Federation of Employers in Agriculture and Food Industry (FNPAIA) from Moldova and the NGO “AVE COPIII”.

The FNPAIA has been supporting for five consecutive years the organisation of activities in summer vacations for children from vulnerable and refugee families. These activities include drawings made by children against child labour, activities to know the country though excursions and through learning. The NGO “AVE COPIII” is the FNPAIA partner in this activity.

The week against child labour is part of the FNPAIA 2011 Agenda on combating child labour, which was launch on the occasion of the World Day against Child Labour.

”The FNPAIA involved six years ago with a well-targeted initiative on combating child labour in agriculture in Moldova and conducted awareness campaigns for employers and the society about consequences of child labour. The result of it was employers’ commitment to eliminate child labour and this was expressed through the FNPAIA Code of Conduct for Employers on the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour in Agriculture”, stated Alexandru Slusari, FNPAIA President. ”Childhood is the proper time for children to develop and grow and such creative activities in summer camps are helping children to grow”.

”The summer-camps which we traditionally organise with the FNPAIA, usually gather refugee children, children from countryside and children from vulnerable families – these categories are mostly exposed to child labour. Under a UNHCR funded programme we offer them the possibility to rest in a summer camp and the FNPAIA is supporting the organisation of various activities”, mentioned Natalia Poştaru, Project Coordinator from the NGO “AVE COPIII”.

The FNPAIA is involved since 2005 in an initiative on combating the worst forms of child labour in agriculture in Moldova. This initiative has been supported since then by the Bureau for Employers Activities (ACT/EMP) of the International Labour Organization (ILO) with funding from the Government of Norway.

The National Federation of Employers in Agriculture and Food Industry (FNPAIA)
162 Ştefan cel Mare Bd., of. 1309-1310 Chisinau, MD 2004, Republic of Moldova
Tel.: 21.00.85. Fax: 22.82.87